My understanding is that you use a DPI setting of 72 if you want the point 
sizes to represent pixels.

Sent from my iPigeon

On 20 May 2011, at 11:29, "Vinayak SWARUP" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> As per my understanding of the call FT_Set_Char_Size(). There are two sets 
> parameters that need to be defined to put a bitmap with correct size on a 
> display mechanism (say TV, monitor or paper in case of printer) correctly, 
> namely
> a.  FT_F26Dot6  char_width,
>    FT_F26Dot6  char_height, 
> These define the number of fractional points per character
> b. FT_UInt     horz_resolution,
>   FT_UInt     vert_resolution
> These define number of pixels per inch.
> Now if we were to use the call FT_Set_Char_Size() in a software scenario for 
> displaying bitmaps on a TV where we are provided with the following 
> information only:
> 1. video display resolution - say 1920x1080 that means we know the number of 
> horizontal pixels = 1920 and number of vertical pixels = 1080
> 2. font size - The unit of font size is in pixels, say in this case 200 x 200 
> pixels per character
> I presume that the above two inputs are sufficient for the generation of a 
> monochrome bitmap in a bitmap memory. Here we do not require pixels per inch 
> information. What should be set for pixels per inch parameters(point b above) 
> in order to achieve the correct bitmap output?
> Will the same call (FT_Set_Char_Size()) be used for such a requirement or is 
> there any other provision in the freetype font library?
> Thanks & Regards,
> Vinayak 
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