On 5/6/2018 1:19 AM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
On Sun, 6 May 2018 00:11:12 +0200, Gregor Mückl wrote:

Just don't assume that you know better than the creator of the host
program when it is okay to bail and how to do so.

As the provider of the lower-level abstraction, you guarantee certain
invariants. In this case, that every FT_Face has a driver, and the
driver has knowledge of that FT_Face as long as it exists.

If that invariant breaks, there’s nothing that the caller can
reasonably do about it, because it’s none of the caller’s business.

This is where you reasoning is wrong. The abstraction is that the caller does not need to understand the exact nature of the error.

Error handling code rarely concerns itself with the exact error that happened, because they typically lead to the same handling strategies in the caller anyway. FT_Done_Face is also on this category.

(the only class of functions that I can think of that requires the caller to differentiate between error codes are a few blocking system calls that suffer from occasional spurious wake ups).

That’s what “abstraction” means.

This is highly dependent on the actual purpose of the program ...

In that case, perhaps you could show us an example or two of how you
deal with error returns from FT_Done_Face?

There are two choices here:

1. ignore it

From actual code that I wrote about 6 years ago:
// Freetype could return an error code here, but it's not particularly useful to respect it

Strictly speaking, this code is wrong, but this was for a game engine, so the worst thing that can happen is the player getting angry at a crashing game.

2. propagate the error up

Example using some C++ library code of mine:

        if(FT_Done_Face(face != 0) {
                throw gltb::Error("Freeing Freetype font failed", 

In my main() functions there always is the following corresponding code around everything:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        try {
                // actual program code
        } catch(gltb::Exception &e) {
                std::cerr << e.asFormattedText() << std::endl;
                return 1;
        return 0;

The important part here is that the constructor of gltb::Error records the actual runtime callstack of where it was executed, that is, how the throw statement was reached in the exection flow of the program. And its asFormattedText method turns it into a readable string. In various cases, I have dumped this string onto the console (as in the example above), shown this in a Windows message box (no console there) and written it into a log file that a user can locate in the file system and send to me.

Also, on the way up to the exception handler in main(), stack unwinding causes destructors of various objects to be called. That way, RAII patterns in my code get executed: resources are freed, files are closed (writing buffered file contents to disk) etc.

This would not work if you just blindly call exit() or abort().

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