> As a quick fix, I want to propose the additional item to FAQ.  [...]

Thanks, I've added this (with modifications) to the FAQ.  I also took
the opportunity to update the layout of the FAQ to be similar to the
rest of the FreeType 2 documentation.

> BTW, I wonder whether current last answer referring Pango should be
> improved by referring HarfBuzz.  Yes, Pango is still essential part
> of GTK+, but HarfBuzz is becoming more general framework broader
> than GTK+.  How do you feel?

What exactly do you mean with a 'more general framework'?  HarfBuzz is
a text shaping library; it is not meant to actually do text layout.  I
think the following library stack is still valid:

  FreeType → HarfBuzz → Pango → Cairo

Of course, there are alternatives like

  FreeType → HarfBuzz → Qt

Please make further suggestions how to improve the FAQ!

> I would consider the additional text to add the vertical metrics
> discussion in later.

Thanks in advance!


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