> The specific font I was focussing on is from "LiberationMono-Regular.ttf"

In Ubuntu 20 I have tried ('ftview' is part of 'freetype2-demos')::

  ftview 17 /usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf

and then cycled through various rendering modes with "l" and it
was fairly well shaped even in "monochrome" mode. So I agree
with A Werner that the rasterizer library here is not the source
of your problems.

If the applications uses the XLFD syntax to request a font, most
likely it is requesting it from the X11 server font subsystem,
which is quite different from the FontView etc. font subsystem.

There are two things with Liberation Mono:

* It is metric compatible with Courier New, and there are better
  hinted metric compatible fonts:


* Versions >= 2 of Liberation Mono are hinted.They are available
  in Ubuntu 20 as 'fonts-liberation2'. They might work better
  on low DPI displays.

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