I am pretty sure this is a bug, and wanted to bring it to someone attention
to see if it is a known issue or not. I am running Freevo 1.3.2 final.

I capture video using mencoder, and have finally started to play with using
more than one -vop option (mostly to crop out the black border my capture
card tries to include into my video).
The problem is that in order to use multiple -vop commands, you have to
seperate them on the mencoder command line with a comma. This creates a
problem when the record_daemon.py reads the freevo_record.lst file, and sees
the extra comma on the command line. record_daemon.py thinks it's the end of
the mencoder command, and drops the rest of the line when it goes to execute
the command.

Here is the line as it appears in the freevo_record.lst file:
2003-07-27 23:21:00,90,/usr/local/bin/mencoder -tv
ize=64 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1100:keyint=15 -oac
mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128 -vop pp=lb,crop=512:384:22:0 -ffourcc divx -o
/movies/Freevo/22_test.avi ,C11kttv.zap2it.com

Here is what gets logged in the freevo_record.log file when it trys to start
that line:
Starting item (/usr/local/bin/mencoder -tv
ize=64 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1100:keyint=15 -oac
mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128 -vop pp=lb -v -endpos 56 >&
/var/log/freevo/freevo_record_1059373263.log &)

As you can see when freevo_record.py issues the command, it cuts off the
last bit of the command after the comma seperates the -vop commands. I tried
playing with the record_daemon.py file, but only ended up making a mess out
of it.
So if someone could please take a look at this, and let me know of some way
to work around this problem i would appreciate it!


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