
I was asked today, what plugins Freevo has and what they do. Simple
question, but hard to answer. I added a plugins helper to Freevo
cvs. Call 'freevo plugins --help' for more informations. The helper
greps all plugins for a description to be shown. This description
should be enough that the user knows: a) what this thing does, b) how
to activate it c) what variables are needed and d) maybe what external
programs this requires.

The helper gets the doc from the python doc string:

class foo(plugin.DaemonPlugin):
    This is the plugin description. It should have a text width of
    80 chars, not more (excluding the beginning spaces).

    It needs the following variables set in the local_conf.py:

    FOO is used to do bar
    FOO = 'bar'

    and so on...

    def __init__ ...

Most plugins have a very short text, some have none :-(

I copied the text from the WiKi about the cdbackup, df, headlines and
command plugin into the plugins as description. 

If you have some free time (only some minutes), please take a plugin
and send me a comment about it as description. You don't need cvs of
Freevo to do so, you don't even need 1.3.4. If everyone here just send
me 3 or 4 descriptions, it would help much. To avoid making docs for
the same plugin too often, I will send an updated list of documented
plugins when there are more.



P.S.: Next step in the new Freevo doc system: helper scripts!

AIRPORTS: A place where people hurry up and wait.
           (Terry Pratchett, Wings)

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