Hans Meine wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 September 2004 16:33, Mick wrote:
>> > I really like this feature also but sadly it didn't make it into
>> > CVS. Although
>> I too would like this to be worked on a little deeper...
> The last patch I sent to the list works perfectly well for me.
> What's missing is mostly (as I wrote at that time) that Freevo shuts down the 
> machine after the recording (of course only if it has not been touched by a 
> human user since it started automatically; basically a plugin which listens 
> to all user events and sets a flag "i_have_been_touched" would be 
> sufficient).
> Another thing I could improve (but not before next friday / October) is the 
> message that appears if you press shutdown during a recording: "The next 
> recording will start in -47 minutes. Are you sure..." ;-)

Please send the patch again. Sometimes a patch / bug reports gets


A man generally has two reasons for doing a thing. One that sounds
good, and a real one.

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