Refactor my code, in fact I should name the code "wing man", they help each 
other to accomplish the job.
spawn = callCC $ \k -> do

  let suspend = callCC $ \c -> do
                  let f x = c (f, x)
                  k (f, "ready!")

  lift $ putStrLn "begin capture current continuation ..."

  (r, s) <- suspend

  lift $ putStrLn ("can we be here1? -- " ++ s)

  (r, s) <- suspend

  lift $ putStrLn ("can we be here2? -- " ++ s)

  (r, s) <- suspend

  lift $ putStrLn ("can we be here3? -- " ++ s)

  return (r, "kkkk")

wingman = (`runContT` return) $ do
  lift $ putStrLn "alpha"

  (k, s) <- spawn

  lift $ putStrLn ("in fun1 -- " ++ s)

  lift $ Thread.sleep (2000L)
  k "I try to pass some string here"

  lift $ putStrLn "no chance to be there"

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