In fact, I use NanoParsec and now it is flexible enough to parse things 
like "apdu #x3F #xbE #xEf", I include the whole source, hope it helps

import froid.util.Log
import hiding (isNumber)
import Control.Concurrent as C
import io.github.mchav.tryfrege.Utilities

data Command = Apdu [Byte]
             | Reset
             | Finish
             | Exception

derive Show Command

hexdigit    = satisfy (Char.isHexDigit   :: Char -> Bool)

h1 :: Parser [] Char [Char]
h1 = do
  a <- expect '#'
  b <- expect 'x'
  c <- hexdigit
  d <- hexdigit
  return $ [c, d]

h2 :: Parser [] Char [[Char]]
h2 = do
  spaces *> h1 `sepBy` spaces

h3 :: Parser [] Char [[Char]]
h3 = do
  a <- spaces *> some letter <* spaces
  b <- h2
  return $ a:b

h4 :: Parser [] Char [[Char]]
h4 = do
  spaces *> h3 <* spaces

parseDriver :: Parser [] Char [[Char]] -> ([] Char) -> IO [[Char]]
parseDriver p s = case runid p s of
    (Left msg, str) -> do
      error $ "Parse failed!" ++ (reporterror str msg)

    (Right r, str) -> do
        if (null str) then return r
          else error $ "Parse failed: " ++ (reporterror str "Tokens left")

digitToByte = intToByte . digitToInt

parseJobs input = do
  r <- parseDriver h4 (unpacked input)
  case r of
    ['a','p','d','u']:d -> return $ Apdu $ map (\[a,b]-> (digitToByte a) * 
16 + digitToByte b) d
    [['r','e','s','e','t']] -> return Reset
    [['f','i','n','i','s','h']] -> return Finish
    [['e','x','c','e','p','t','i','o','n']] -> return Exception
    _ -> return Exception

在 2018年1月28日星期日 UTC+8上午4:47:17,Marimuthu Madasamy写道:
> As a workaround, you can, of course, use the native implementation:
> pure native parseByte java.lang.Byte.parseByte :: String -> 
> (NumberFormatException | Byte)

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