I was going to read this, but he starts off with a big fat lie, regarding the etymology of "mortgage". Never trust someone who doesn't know the meaning of the words he's using, particularly if they distort language for the purposes of their own polemics.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 6:43 PM
Subject: New cool link (The Big Lie of Economics)

A new link appeared at http://marsbard.com/ - 'The last 10 things martian's frendz saw'

The Big Lie of Economics
... the interest can never be paid off, unless you expand the money supply, which creates debt, which creates more interest, which can never be paid off unless...


Use http://marsbard.com/cool/coolInstall.html - drag the link marked 'c00lt00lz' to your browser's links toolbar to make a button with the same name - now click on the button whenever you see a cool site

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