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May 10, 2002
   Freshmeat Latest Updates

archivemail 0.4.7 (Default)

    archivemail is a tool written in Python for archiving and compressing
    old email in mailboxes. It can move messages older than the specified
    number of days to a separate mbox-format mailbox that is compressed
    with gzip, or optionally just delete old email. It supports archiving
    mbox, MH, and maildir format mailboxes. 

AstroCam Gtk 1.4.2 Beta (Default)

    AstroCam is an stepengine control system for BSD and Linux. It controls
    Webcams via stepmotor and has a Web interface/server for remote-control
    through your browser. 

AutoPKG 0.1.4 (Development)

    AutoPKG lets you keep your Slackware system up to date. It functions
    similarly to apt-get, the Debian package manager. 

AweMUD 0.6.3 (Default)

    AweMUD is a MUD server for use with fantasy-settings. Features include
    skill-based character development, fully dynamic objects and
    characters, and custom worlds. The engine will eventually have
    completely interactive rooms (items can be placed under benches, doors
    can be destroyed), complex magick, and interactive NPCs. 

Blahz-DNS 0.3 (Default)

    Blahz-DNS is PHP/MySQL based DNS (BIND 9) administration with support
    for primary and secondary zones, user authentication, User and Admin
    account types, and restricted access for user accounts to certain
    primary and secondary zones. 

Boot Scriptor 1.0b (build 10) (Stable (binaries))

    Boot Scriptor is a program that allows a high degree of interactivity
    when booting from a CD- ROM drive. It provides a set of commands that
    enable users to boot a system in a number of ways, as well as providing
    interactive menus. Boot Scriptor runs on top of a specialized version
    of Isolinux and can act as a front end to it, as well as expanding on
    the Isolinux feature set to allow more complex boot scenarios. It
    supports a simple scripting language. 

bristol synthesiser emulator 0.6 (Default)

    bristol is a synthesizer emulation package. It emulates a Minimoog,
    Moog Voyager, Hammond B3, Prophet 5, Juno 6, DX 7, and others. 

cacti 0.6.8 (Development)

    Cacti is a complete frontend to rrdtool. It stores all of the nessesary
    information to create graphs and populate them with data in a MySQL
    database. The frontend is completely PHP driven. Along with being able
    to maintain Graphs, Data Sources, and Round Robin Archives in a
    database, cacti also handles the data gathering. There is SNMP support
    for those used to creating traffic graphs with MRTG. 1.0 (Default) provides a content filter program for the Stalker
    CommuniGate Pro mail server that lets you cascade many content filters.
    Processing is done with a decision tree to all defined filters before
    sending a result back to Communigate. 

Code striker 1.4.3 (Default)

    Codestriker is a Perl CGI script that is used for performing code
    reviews in a collaborative fashion, as opposed to using unstructured
    emails. Authors create code review topics, the nominated reviewers
    being automatically notified by email. Reviewers then submit comments
    against the code on a per-line basis, and can view comments submitted
    by the other reviewers as they are created. Emails are sent to the
    appropriate parties, as an alert mechanism, when comments are created.
    The author is free to submit comments against the review comments. Once
    all reviewers have finished the author has all review comments
    available in a structured fashion, instead of a pile of unstructured

csv2vcard 0.0.5 (Default)

    Csv2vcard is a program for converting CSV (comma separated values, as
    exported by software such as MS Outlook) files containing contact
    information to the industry standard vcard format, which can be
    imported by most mailers and PIM software (optimized for Evolution).
    It's based on a Perl script by Michael MacDonald of Ximian. Csv2vcard
    can be used to convert any CSV format, not just the English Outlook

d20 ListView 1.0beta1 (Default)

    d20 ListView is a tool to manage D&D 3rd Ed. combat. It allows the
    building of lists of creatures and resolving of attacks and healing. It
    stores init bonuses, AC, touch AC, HP, and status. 

DarkerIRC 1.0-pre3 (Default)

    DarkerIRC is a Java applet which provides IRC client functionality. It
    was written to be highly configurable (through the param tags) and
    still easy to install and maintain. 

dev/con php base 0.1.9 (Development)

    dev/con php base is a library that contains useful authentication,
    date, file, string, and network functions, an event driven application
    server with safe link generation, and subsession support that allows
    you to combine many modules seamlessly. SQL abstraction layers can
    generate simple SQL queries and manipulate nodes in doubly-linked lists
    and tree structures. A widget set frees you from writing HTML code, and
    can be mixed with your own templates. All of these features are
    integrated into an easy-to-use interface, with toolkits for automatic
    form generation, SQL search, and more. 

Disk ARchive 1.0.2 (Default)

    dar is a shell command that makes backup of a directory tree and files. 

DoctorJ 3.2.4 (Default)

    DoctorJ is a set of applications that analyze Java code. Documentation
    is verified for accuracy against the code (which javadoc does not do).
    Statistics for a file or project are generated, including the number of
    lines of code per class and method, and the overall total. 

doxymacs 1.3.1 (Default)

    Doxymacs is an elisp package designed to make using and creating
    Doxygen easier for {X}Emacs users. It currently features the ability to
    look up documentation for classes, functions, members, etc in the
    browser of your choice, fontification of Doxygen keywords, and
    automagical insertion of Doxygen comments. Comments can be inserted in
    either JavaDoc or Qt style, or you can create your own style via

eSKUeL 1.0.0 (Default)

    eSKUeL is MySQL database managment tool written in PHP. It can
    completly handle databases operations, including create, drop, rename,
    move, and insert into. It can also be completely skinned and adapted. 

Evolution 1.0.4 (Default)

    Evolution is the GNOME mailer, calendar, contact manager, and
    communications tool. Evolution represents the next step forward in
    GNOME applications. The tools which make up Evolution will be tightly
    integrated with one another and act as a seamless personal
    information-management tool. 

Fenris 0.02 (Default)

    Fenris is a multipurpose run-time tracer capable of producing
    structural text-based or graphical output. It is capable of tracing
    internal code constructions, auto-detect calls, count parameters,
    assign unique names, fingerprint common code, provide partial trace of
    a single functional block, detect memory access, I/O, data migration
    path, conditional expressions, etc. It does not require sources or any
    particular method of compilation. 

fireflier 0.8 (Release)

    Fireflier is a firewall tool which is built on top of the iptables
    framework. It allows you to create rules based on single incoming
    network packets or to simply allow/deny single packets to pass. It
    features a client-server approach for administering from another PC,
    SSL connection between client and server, rules with timeouts (rules
    are deleted after some time or when fireflier-server shuts down), and
    filtering based on applications. 

FreeGuide TV Guide 0.3 (Default)

    FreeGuide TV Guide is a TV guide program which grabs listings from the
    Internet and allows you to view them and construct a personalised guide
    to print out. It uses the XMLTV tools to grab listings, and requires
    Java 1.4 or above. 

gFR 0.4.1 (Development)

    gFR is a GTK text file reader capable of reading ASCII and binary files
    (including .doc, even in cyrillic charset koi8/1251). 

Glitter Newsreader 1.0 (Default)

    Glitter is an interactive GUI program for extracting binaries from
    newsgroups. It provides a mechanism for filtering files to ensure that
    you retrieve only the binaries that you want. You may also schedule the
    binary download for a convenient time. 

gsmlib 1.9 (Default)

    GSMLIB is a library to access GSM mobile phones through GSM modems.
    Features include: modification of phonebooks stored in the mobile phone
    or on the SIM card, reading and writing of SMS messages stored in the
    mobile phone, sending and reception of SMS messages. Additionally, some
    simple command line programs are provided to use these features. 

IOzone 3.94 (Default)

    IOzone is a filesystem benchmark tool. The benchmark generates and
    measures a variety of file operations. Iozone has been ported to many
    machines and runs under many operating systems. 

JDebugTool 1.3 (Default)

    JDebugTool is a standalone Java debugger built on top of the standard
    JPDA (Java Platform Debugger Architecture). It features a graphical and
    intuitive Java Swing GUI, and integrated Java Help. 

kkeyled 0.7.0 (Default)

    KKeyled is a KDE panel tray widget which displays the LED states of the
    keyboard (ie. Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock). It is particularly
    useful for wireless keyboards without LEDs, and can be used to set the
    LED states of the keyboard aswell. 

KOPS 1.1 (Default)

    Kops is a two-dimensional gravitational shoot'yer'friend game in
    640x480x256 graphics mode for 2-4 players. This is a port from the DOS
    version. It features parallax scrolling with a full digital soundtrack
    and sound effects. A Pentium-class processor or better is recommended. 

KTagebuch 0.5 (Default)

    KTagebuch is a simple but sufficient diary program for KDE 2/3. 

LightFace 1.0 (Default)

    LightFace is an image made with the GIMP that is supposed to look like
    a face. 

LILO 22.3 beta9 (Beta)

    Lilo is a Boot loader for Linux/x86 and other PC operating systems.
    Lilo is responsible for loading your Linux kernel from either a floppy
    or a hard drive and giving it control of the system. It can also be
    used to boot many other operating sysetms, including the BSD variants,
    DOS, and OS/2. The Lilo distribution includes full source,
    documentation and support files, but no pre-compiled binaries. Lilo is
    capable of booting beyond cylinder 1024 of a hard disk if the BIOS
    supports EDD packet call extensions to the int 0x13 interface. 

log4j 1.2 (Default)

    Log4j is a logging package written in Java. Log4j allows you to log to
    a file, a, a remote server, or a syslog daemon. The
    package is designed so that log statements can remain in shipped code
    without incurring a high performance cost. One distinctive feature of
    log4j is the notion of hierarchical categories. Using categories, it is
    possible to select (at runtime) which log statements are output at
    arbitrary granularity. Users can choose to implement their own log
    formats and output strategies. 

MAHC Advanced HTML Chat 1.2 (MAHC)

    MAHC is a complex PHP system that installs easily and allows people to
    chat using only HTML. Features include multiple rooms, private chat,
    user colored chat text, games (checkers, chess, hangman, tictactoe,
    dicezee, crossword), private chat, a "weak" AI chat,
    Inter-chat messaging, selectable MIDI music, and 3D graphical smilies.
    The Web server requirements are currently only PHP4 and a crontab
    facility. The current version is stable, but lacks in documentation. 

MaVerick - MultiValue Database Management System 0.2.1 (Default)

    MaVerick is a MultiValue database management system. MultiValue
    databases are said to be one of the computer industry's best kept
    secrets. First appearing over 30 years ago as PICK, they have continued
    to evolve through various commercial vendors, and are still in active
    development today. They are very resource friendly, are incredibly
    fast, feature a very user friendly data retrieval and reporting
    language (variously called ACCESS or English), and a rapid application
    development language based originally on Dartmouth Basic. The MaVerick
    project is an attempt to create an open source variant, written in

Metal Flag 1.0 (Default)

    Metal Flag is a highly stylized Canadian Flag with a brushed metal

moodss 15.14 (Default)

    Moodss (the Modular Object Oriented Dynamic SpreadSheet) displays data
    described and updated in one or more modules loaded at startup time or
    dynamically. Data is originally displayed in tables. Graphical viewers,
    summary tables, free text viewers, and threshold entries can be created
    from any number of table cells. Moodss has full drag'n'drop support in
    the UI, and comes with numerous modules for system, database, network,
    and other types of monitoring. New modules can be developed in Tcl,
    Perl, Python, or C. A monitoring daemon (moomps) for UNIX is included. 

Motoko 002 1.0 (Default)

    This background features Motoko Kusanagi, drinking saki and
    philosophising about gainful employment; a lighter moment from the
    manga "Ghost in the Shell" by Masamune Shirow. For this image
    the relevent image was found, then a section of the background was
    sampled to tile and make the image spread and look decent over an
    entire screen. 

myBeasties 0.32 (Default)

    myBeasties is a highly flexible evolutionary programming module. It is
    designed to be extendable and customisable for maximum use by the Perl
    developer. Many species of genotypes can be evolved, and these can be
    used to build phenotypes of any size or complexity. These can be as
    simple as a list or as large as a whole class of objects. 

OpenAI 0.2 (Default)

    The OpenAI site is centered around an Open Source project and community
    involving artificial intelligence. The project itself is the creation
    of a set of tools that are considered to be models of human
    intelligence or biomimicry. These tools are intended to be integrated
    into applications or used stand alone for research. 

OPENdj 1.0.0 (Default)

    OPENdj is Internet radio station software that supports multiple,
    geographically dispersed DJs, thus implementing public-access Internet
    radio. OPENdj is not playlist software nor is it a streamer. Rather, it
    is a a timeslot scheduling engine and a stream-access coordinator. Its
    features include automatic archival of all broadcasts, searching of
    archived broadcasts, and automatic rerun scheduling with a pluggable
    rerun selection algorithm. The broadcasting software used by DJs to
    relay their signal to OPENdj features listener monitoring and
    real-time, text-based chatting with listeners. 

oRTP 0.4.2 (Default)

    oRTP is a library implementing the Real-time Transport Protocol
    (RFC1889), written in C. Based on glib, it should be portable to all
    Unix species. It includes a packet scheduler, blocking and non blocking
    I/O, and multiplexing I/O so that several RTP sessions can be managed
    by a single thread. 

pastebot 20020508 (Default)

    Pastebot is an IRC bot that saves channels from large amounts of pasted
    material. Text is pasted into a Web form, and the bot (optionally)
    announces an URL where it can be read. Interested people can partake in
    the joy without the whole channel scrolling to hell. 

patchutils 0.2.13 (Stable)

    Patchutils contains a collection of tools for manipulating patch files:
    interdiff, combinediff, filterdiff, fixcvsdiff, rediff, lsdiff,
    grepdiff, and splitdiff. You can use interdiff to create an incremental
    patch between two patches that are against a common source tree, and
    combinediff for creating a cumulative diff from two incremental
    patches. Filterdiff is for extracting or excluding patches from a patch
    set based on modified files matching shell wildcards. Lsdiff lists
    modified files in a patch. Rediff corrects hand-edited patches. 

PengSwim 0.3.0 (Default)

    PengSwim is a game of swimming and eating, a penguin's two favorite
    activities. The object of PengSwim is to eat as many fish as possible
    within the time limit. Once you've eaten all the fish on the level, you
    move to a new level with more fish to eat. The SDL, SDL_mixer, and
    SDL_ttf libraries are required. 

Perl Object Environment 0.19 (Default)

    POE (Perl Object Environment) is a Perl framework for creating
    multitasking, state-driven programs. 

phpRated 0.4.1 (Default)

    phpRated is a commercial Web application written in PHP for use with
    MySQL. It allows visitors to your site to list their picture, and have
    it rated by other members who may visit, and also allows visitors to
    send other members Private Messages, as well as leave comments. Members
    may rate other members on a scale of 1-10. Viewing and reviewing
    members can be accomplished a number of ways, and many options are
    available to encourage member interaction. 

phpSecurityAdmin 2.1 (Default)

    phpSecurityAdmin is a PHP application that was designed to be
    implemented in custom Content Management Systems (CMS). It is designed
    to be easy to use, so that CMS programmers do not have to spend a lot
    of time managing user access. It can be used for controlling access to
    Web pages based on user names and passwords. The system allows the
    client to manage user accounts and access rights, and to add, edit, or
    delete users. It also features "user profiles" which provide
    an efficient method for creating multiple users with similar access
    rights. It includes localization support and a few language

phpTest 0.5.4 (Default)

    phpTest is a Web-based testing program. It provides an environment to
    take multiple choice or true/false quizzes. It is designed to be
    modular and flexible. An administrator can add any number of questions,
    tests, users, and groups. Once a test is created, a user can log in to
    take the test, and his test results are scored automatically and stored
    in the database for easy viewing. It includes features designed to
    prevent cheating, such as randomization of questions on tests, and
    security logging for unauthorized access to pages. 

Posadis m5 (Default)

    Posadis is a Domain Name Server for Unix and Win32 systems. Its main
    target currently is to create a useful and stable DNS server. 

Python milter 0.4.4 (Default)

    The milter module for Python provides a python interface to Sendmail's
    libmilter that exploits all its features. Milters can run on the same
    machine as sendmail, or another machine. The milter can even run with a
    different operating system or processor than sendmail. Sendmail talks
    to the milter via a local or internet socket, and keeps the milter
    informed of events as it processes a mail connection. At any point, the
    milter can cut the conversation short by telling sendmail to ACCEPT,
    REJECT, or DISCARD the message. After receiving a complete message from
    sendmail, the milter can again REJECT or DISCARD it, but it can also
    ACCEPT it with changes to the headers or body. 

Sandwish 1.0 (Default)

    Sandwish captures the feeling of the sand and sea. 

SANE 2002-05-02 (Beta)

    SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy" and is an
    application programming interface (API) that provides standardized
    access to any raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner, handheld
    scanner, video and still cameras, framegrabbers, etc.). The SANE
    standard is public domain and its discussion and development are open
    to everybody. The source code is written for UNIX (including Linux) and
    is available under the GPL, but commercial applications and backends
    are welcome. The package contains the libraries, net support, and
    scanimage. The X frontends xscanimage and xcam can be found in

SANE Frontends 2002-05-02 (Beta)

    This package contains frontends to SANE ("Scanner Access Now
    Easy"), including xscanimage and xcam. Xscanimage is a GTK-based
    application for scanning images that can also be used as a GIMP-plugin,
    and Xcam is used to get images from cameras supported by SANE. 

Scriptix 0.15 (Default)

    Scriptix is a light-weight scripting language, designed solely for
    embedding and extending applications. It has most common language
    features, including arrays, classes, ranges, exceptions, functions,
    loops, and threads. Speed, flexibility, and simplicity are top

Scylla Charybdis 2.1 (Default)

    Svylla Chraybdis lets you get a data odyssey done with the help of two
    small monsters. It's easy to use, utilizes SSL (encryption), LIBZ
    (compression), and simple password protection. A builtin timeout
    detects link breaks (for dialups) such that an uploads can be
    automatically continued from where it broke (within a file). MD5 sums
    detect if files are successfully transferred. In case of data changes
    the destination is renamed and not overwritten (backup history). Data
    throttling can prevent the transfer from using up full link speed, such
    that a background upload does not disturb your SSH sessions (like SCP

sedsed 0.5 (Default)

    Sedsed is a Python script that masters sed scripts. It generates sed
    debug files in sed, which lets you debug scripts with your own version
    of sed (Linux, DOS, etc.). It's also a script beautifier, doing
    indentation and spaces/comments formatting. It can also convert sed
    scripts to colorful HTML files. 

sfront 0.80 (Default)

    Sfront compiles MPEG 4 Structured Audio (MP4-SA) bitstreams into
    efficient C programs that generate audio when executed. MP4-SA is a
    standard for normative algorithmic sound, that combines an audio signal
    processing language (SAOL) with score languages (SASL, and the legacy
    MIDI File Format). Under Linux, sfront supports real-time, low-latency
    audio input/output, local MIDI input from soundcards, and networked
    MIDI input using RTP and SIP. A SIP server hosted on the Berkeley
    campus manages sessions. The documentation includes a book about SAOL

SkinLF 1.2.1 (Default)

    Todays applications tend to be skinnable: cdplayers, email notifiers,
    even operating systems. SkinLF provides a skin system for Java

SPIKE 2.2 (Default)

    SPIKE is an attempt to write an API that helps reverse engineer new,
    unknown network protocols. It features several working examples. 

Tablix 0.0.1 (Default)

    Tablix is a high school timetable generator. It uses a coarse-grained
    parallel genetic algorithm to construct sensible timetables from
    XML-formated school information files. It can run on a single host as
    well as on a heterogenous parallel virtual machine by using MIT's PVM3.
    Its features include a number of possible restrictions for teachers or
    classes, HTML-formatted output, and configurable genetic parameters. 

The BiG izi Q 1.0.6 (Stable)

    The BiG izi Q is an installation script for Linux that installs qmail
    1.03 with the qmail-toaster patch, and also qmail-queue (for virus
    scanners), TLS patch (to enable secure SMTP), SMTP auth, maildirquota
    support for qmail-pop3d, VPopMail for virtual domain management,
    autorespond, courier-IMAP, the ezmlm mailing list manager, qmailadmin
    and vqadmin Web administration tools, and more. 

tinyproxy 1.5.0 (Default)

    tinyproxy is a lightweight HTTP proxy designed to do the job with a
    minimum of system resource use. It's ideal for small networks in which
    a larger HTTP proxy such as Squid might be overkill or a security risk.
    This simplicity also makes tinyproxy an ideal candidate for
    customization; it takes very little time to read and understand the
    tinyproxy source, and you can start adding your own desired features in
    short order. 

TSSHP 0.2.9c (Development)

    TSSHP (The System Shock Hack Project) is a project to reverse-engineer
    and recode (from scratch, but using the original datafiles) the 3D
    role-playing/shooter games from Looking Glass (System Shock and the
    Ultima Underworlds). 

txt2pdf 5.7 (Default)

    txt2pdf is a very flexible and powerful Perl program that converts
    files from text to PDF format. 

txt2xml 1.2 (Default)

    txt2xml is a simple Java library for parsing arbitrarily structured
    text input into well-formed XML output as SAX, DOM, JDOM, or through an

VetTux 1.0-3 (Default)

    VetTux is a modern animal clinic management and POS system. It aims to
    provide the veterinarian with a complete solution for running a clinic. 

Video Disk Recorder 1.1.0 (Development)

    Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-reciever program using Linux
    and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as
    output the stream to TV. It is also possible to watch DVDs via the
    hardware decoder of the card. 

Watchfolder 0.1.6-pt (Experimental)

    Watchfolder watches specifed folders for incoming files and processes
    them with programs assigned to those folders. Afterwards, the files are
    removed from the inbound directory. 

WFMH-Helix-Citrus 1.0 (Default)

    WFMH-Helix-Citrus is based on the original Helix Citrus theme, and
    features differences in fonts used, colors, images, and buttons for
    inactive windows. 

xgsmlib 0.1 (Default)

    xgsm is a GNOME-based GUI for the gsmlib library. xgsm allows the user
    to edit/backup/manage a mobile phone's phonebook and SMS entries. It
    also enables one to send and receive SMS messages via a mobile phone
    using a computer. 

XPointerAPI 1.1.1 (Default)

    XPointerAPI is a Java API for XPointer. XPointer is a W3C standard for
    addressing into the internal structure of XML documents. It introduces
    new types of location, such as ranges and points. XPointerAPI is based
    on Xalan, which is the XSLT engine published by the Apache Software
    Foundation. This is one of the first implementations of the XPointer
    standard. It allows the execution of XPointer expressions on XML

Xsox 0.78 (Default)

    Xsox is an easy-to-use graphical front-end for sox which can record and
    play sound files, cut, copy, paste, add effects, convert file types,
    change sample rates, sample sizes, and more. 

xvnkb 0.2.4 (Default)

    xvnkb is a Vietnamese keyboard input program for X Windows. It provides
    a useful way of editing Vietnamese in X Windows environments with
    popular input methods and charsets. It runs as a small X application in
    the background without any interference with others, and works well
    with most X applications. Supported Vietnamese input methods include
    VNI, TELEX, and VIQR. Supported Vietnamese charsets include TCVN3,
    VISCII, VPS, VNI, VIQR, and Unicode (UTF-8). 

XVolume 0.2 (Default)

    XVolume is a simple Xlib volume control that mimics the traditional OSD
    (on screen display) controls found in various appliances. It is
    intended to be launched by a shortcut key (eg. one of the
    "Internet" buttons on your keyboard) and one can then
    directly adjust the volume by user-defined keys. It was inspired by a
    similar feature in the Windows driver for a Logitech keyboard. Xvolume
    is highly configurable and can be tailored for a perfect fit with your
    window manager. 

Yet another Linux FAQ 2 (Default)

    Yet another Linux FAQ is a comprehensive FAQ about the Linux Operating
    System. It is a great document for Linux beginners to read. This FAQ
    tries to help those new to Linux help themselves. It covers topics such
    as kernel recompilation and X Window System configuration. 

Zoinks 0.1.6 (Default)

    Zoinks is a programmer's editor and development environment for
    Unix/X11 systems. The editor has features similar to Mac text editors
    like MPW and CodeWarrior. It also has some features for HTML authoring.
    It supports inputting and editing multi-byte text (e.g. Japanese and
    other Asian languages). 

Zope Memory Watchdog 2.0 (Stable)

    Zope Memory Watchdog is a Perl script/daemon that watches Zope's memory
    usage and restarts it if it is too big. It has command line help and
    also POD-entries for use with perldoc. It's quite simple and easy to


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