Owen Densmore wrote:
>    - What GSM multi-band phones do a good job with email and web?
I haven't used it on international travel, but I've been using a 
Cingular 8125 PDA for a few months.   Slide out keyboard that I have 
become efficient using, and it is also works well as Bluetooth or USB 
direct connect modem for a laptop.    Upstream speed is slow, say 
32kb/sec, but downstream can be as high as ~200kb/sec, e.g. in the bay 
area.   Windows Mobile 5 mail supports IMAP4, but I find I just as often 
use webmail as the speed is good enough that the extra overhead is 
tolerable (e.g. avoiding the need to use a VPN).   It has wifi, but I 
don't turn it on much as the phone itself is pretty fast. 


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