> On Tuesday 26 September 2006 13:20, Owen Densmore wrote:
>> > So the question comes up: for FRIAMers having both a laptop and a
>> > desktop: what is your strategy for keeping the two in synch?  Or do
>> > you bother -- instead doing some sorts of things on the desktop, and
>> > other stuff on the desktop, with a small intersection.
I put code and technical documents in Subversion, and sync via that (via 
a WebDAV/Subversion apache module).
Unlike CVS, Subversion handles renaming of modules without much hassle, 
and handles binaries.

Btw, a few years ago I played around with the Inter-Mezzo filesystem 
Idea there is to have the kernel keep a transaction record of all reads 
and writes against a file(system) and store them in a log.
Resyncing is then just a matter of replaying the transactions to the 
target machine (e.g. the desktop).
It worked pretty well, but unfortunately it isn't maintained much these 
days.   The developers moved on to work on the Lustre distributed file 


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