
Colleagues at my former institutution have asked me to provide a reading or 
other ...... representation .... that can be consumed in less than an hour that 
would give a sense of what it is "we" do in Friam, in Santa Fe, etc.  Hopefully 
not words ABOUT it but an example OF it, if you see what I mean, but we might 
have to settle for words.  If you had ONE SHOT at turning a colleague into a 
complexitist, what would you do with him/her.  

Does FRIAM have some suggestions????  

A related question in my mind:  if agent-based-models come closest to capturing 
the essense of complexity thinking,  WHY?  

Discuss.   I will collect your responses and forward them on to Worcester. 


Nicholas S. Thompson
Research Associate, Redfish Group, Santa Fe, NM ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Professor of Psychology and Ethology, Clark University ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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