On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 8:35 AM, Don Begley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Great pics, Orlando.
> WRT the EMF issue, those are at least 345kV power lines if not 500's, which
> is a long way from the emissions of consumer items or a residential power
> line. They are also pretty impressive links in a transmission grid, meaning
> there are lots of lines on each pole. I wouldn't want to live near or under
> any of them for any number of reasons, not the least of which is how noisy
> they'd be. <g>

Orthogonal to the EMF and noise issues, the power companies tend to
"maintain" their rights of way with low bidder landscaping, so their
routes are often liberally, and sloppily, doused in herbicides.  That
won't light up any fluorescent bulbs, but it will make its own
contribution to the ambience of the neighborhood.

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