Hi Steve

" The chances of drawing a glass without any marked molecules is 1/1000,
supporting ES's claim."

I don't think the maths works quite that way. Some glasses would have
exactly 1000 molecules, some would have 1000 -/+ 1, or 2 ..  -/+999.
Presuming that the distribution is a "normal" distribution, there would be
an exceedingly small probability of getting a glass with zero marked

Furthermore since there is the equally remote probability that a single
glass would contain all the marked molecules (just like we started out
with), the distribution would be skewed away from a normal one..

This is just an off the cuff observation. I could brush up my prob-stats if
reqd (and eat humble pie if wrong).

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:

>  Nick -
> I read it through before seeing your retraction.  As you may recognize by
> now, your fallacy is probably not a consequence of your being an English
> (Psychology?) Major but actually just not reading the statement of the
> problem carefully enough.   The 10^24 (molecules) vs the 10^21 glasses
> (cups?)  might be about right and your math is good (1000 molecules per
> glass on average)... but the conclusion (1/1000 chance of drawing a glass
> with a marked molecule) is reversed.   The chances of drawing a glass
> without any marked molecules is 1/1000, supporting ES's claim.
> I'd say you did good (right up to that premature send thingy) for an
> English Major.
> I read ES's "What is Life" years ago and was deeply inspired by it's
> directness and simplicity (and lack of jargon) and timeliness (1949?) well
> before much was done to tie life to information theory.   I look forward to
> your continued "book reports".
> - Steve
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