Owen - I nearly got myself the new Kindle DX precisely because I have tons
of technical PDFs and no simple portable way of reading them (hey, my
failing eyesight means if it's not on 8.5 x 11 I can't see it...). The
Kindle was getting dinged by a lot of people for its poor PDF support (no
bookmarks, poor searching, can't follow links). As a user, what's your
experience been?

And how reader-friendly is the glossy screen of the iPad? Is it visible out
of doors (I like to read books & papers on my deck, not in
dark subterranean environs)? Advice please!

-- R

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net> wrote:

> Interesting: Amazon ebooks surpass hardcover books:
>        http://tinyurl.com/2esb5x6
> With both a kindle and an ipad, I find I'm reading a lot more ebooks.  The
> complete works of Sherlock Holmes on the kindle just now ($.99) and two
> computer tech books (HTML5, JavaScript) from SitePoint ($5.00 on sale last
> week).  They certainly weigh less! (Great for large travel books, for
> example)
> I think tech book are going to be majority ebooks soon, simply because they
> go out of date so quickly.  The tech folks are doing a good job of making a
> book a complete experience, including multiple formats (epub, pdf, mobi).
>  Most formats now have an app (ipad, iphone, ipad, android, desktop) so the
> books can be used on multiple devices.
> It'll be nice when they have fewer formats, or at least all devices handle
> them all.
>    -- Owen
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