a well known quote -- it's the on fourth page of Joyce's masterpiece, as I trow 
all Friamers must know.  I loved the "bestbeloved bestbook bash", and was 
amazed that Ulysses headed the list.  It is indeed great literature, or so they 
say, but how does an ordinary yobbo  read it?  I was educated in the tongue 
that Shakespeare spake, where he did, in fact, and always thought, with 
youthful snobbery, I would gain something from  this monumental tome.  I had a 
special interest in that my great uncle, a Dubliner, had known the real Buck 
Mulligan personally, ("but not Mr. Joyce", as he respectfully qualified)  and 
so in grad school  I took a course on the book.  Formidable, but overwhelming!  
I understand it a leetle now, thanks to the patient tutoring of Hallett Smith ( 
he wrote the definitive stuff on the S onnets), but really not very profoundly. 

I truly can't believe anyone, even a Friamer, could pick up the volume cold and 
derive anything from it. 

Am I alone in my ignorance?  

Peter Lissaman, Da Vinci Ventures 

Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for. 

1454 Miracerros Loop South, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505,USA 

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