Wot i s this Thing called "Credibility"?  How measured?   And where listed? 

Ya want "credibility", go join the American Physical Society.  Pay yer dues 
($186 p.a., college degree not required) and you will be a member, in good 
standing, of a credible organization; they will publish your stuff, if it 
cleaves to the current dogmas.   But, remember, over their vociferous 
objections, Dick Feynman resigned from APS on the grounds that he did not fit 
into their measure of a "credible physicist". 

I count myself a pretty ignorant bum, of parlous little  knowledge in most 
everything.  But I have never learned anything, cultural, literary or 
scientific from any Friam postings.  I take them to be appealing examples of 
polysyllabic humor, oftentimes quite delightful.  And not to be denigrated.  S 
ince Aristophanes, comedy has been an honored component of world culture. 

And, fer Gawd's Sake, don't think of censoring contributions.  I greatly enjoy 
Nick and Rich.  They represent the epitome of the Friam Point of View! 
Peter Lissaman, Da Vinci Ventures 

Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for. 

1454 Miracerros Loop South, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505,USA 

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