The correspondence re e-books is indeed interesting.  Starting as a grad 
student at Cambridge Univ., I made a vow to keep ALL books I had ever acquired 
(honestly or not).  They were nice to have.  And useful for many things.  I 
enjoyed using the massive, tall Oxford English Dictionary as a stand for the 
chamberpot under my bed.  We did not have bathrooms in our rooms in them days. 

So I inscribed each volume with my name, and place and date of acquisition.  
After half a centur y i t was comforting to look at those serried shelves, and 
feel that one understood, at least in a tiny part, the wisdom they contained. 
And to revisit, as with an old, valued friend.  

T hen, in 2002, the "Good Lord" chose to burn my house down, and my books.  
Along with 39 adjacent abodes.  An admitted sinner, I wasn't too surprised, but 
never realized my neighbors were sinners, too.  My wife said it was His way of 
telling me to retire, but I now think He was envious of my library .  After all 
the Old Testament does say our Lord " is a jealous Lord"!   

Peter Lissaman, Da Vinci Ventures 

Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for. 

1454 Miracerros Loop South, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505,USA 

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