Friend pulsed me off-line.  "Wot the hell you know about malaria?  Somewhat 
over the Top, mon frere!"   I wuz stung!  I have promised that ALL my postings 
will be of real events that I have experienced or witnessed, so in defense, I 
note that I indeed contracted malaria as a child in Africa.  It was a 
thoroughly disagreeable experience, but I recovered without too much mental 
warpage, far as I can tell.  Incidentally, there is no cure and the disease, a 
faithful lover, is yours forever.  This obliges me to consume copious draughts 
of gin and quinine tonic for medicinal reasons - a regimen that I observe with 
resigned dedication.  There are relapses, sometimes caused by exhaustion from 
hard work, that I avoid by being a lazy slob, and sometimes caused by 
exasperation of the P lethora of Fools.  That irritant I have not yet solved. 

Peter Lissaman, Da Vinci Ventures 

Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for. 

1454 Miracerros Loop South, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505,USA 

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