And a grand bottle it was, too. Now there's a tangent, a great bottle of Bourbon.

Thanks, Sas, for the excellent summer get-together! Wonderful conversations at our table about art, science, observation, cognitive processing, perception, awareness, ooooh, all the big ones. Consciousness. Be still my heart. Someone tell the discuss list.
Have another shindig: we'll all bring more food.
You two have the best house in the world....the walls are made of books and there's no clear inside and outside to the place, just activity. Perhaps this is physics in actuality, rather than theory.

Have a great drive. I for one am verrrry curious about your transmutational optics project. ??

Catch ya later-

On Jul 5, 2011, at 7:11 PM, Steve Smith wrote:

Doug -

You're one of my favorites here, sas. We can always count on you for a good stream of consciousness.

Thanks, It's about all I have left after I used everything else up trying to be a scientist. I intend to spend the rest of my life honing my richochets into proper non-sequitors. You missed the bottle of Boulliete Rye Saturday. And some new characters at the funny farm. And the moon is made of green cheese. And I'm about to drive two days straight each way to (probably) turn 3000lbs of carefully constructed optical components into an equal mass of square marbles. I need all the distraction I can get. Segue. Careen. Tangent.

- Steve

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