Would this also answer why since I upgraded iTunes last night, my system network can no longer remember my password for signing on to my own wireless - and can't hold the password when the computer goes to sleep or shuts down? OS 10.5.9 So no emails, right, nor internet access despite a nice clear signal from under the sofa, like always. Now reduced to memorizing a long erratic string of numbers and letters and inputting them everytime my laptop snoozes, dang.

Incidentally, I have never mentioned how much I appreciate that youall launch right into tech/political talk as soon as anything is going on. You are my secret weapon against the listless ignorance of the overwhelmed. Thanks.



On Oct 13, 2011, at 2:02 PM, Douglas Roberts wrote:

Reports are that the IOS 5 upgrade is going anything but smoothly as well:


That didn't take too long to fail. Click on "Update," and it tells me I have to update iTunes. OK, fine, go do that. Computer reboots.

Take 2. Click on update, it downloads the nearly 700MB iTunes update, and makes a backup.

And then crashes, opening an Apple KB article that tells me I have to update iTunes in order to install the update. Er... I already did that?

I'll just uninstall iTunes and ... oh, wait, you can't do that on Mac OS X. You have to follow some magic instructions that involve deleting kernel extensions and rebooting three times. I'll have to look that up and ... oh, hey, Apple's support site now 503s.


Oh, hey, it hard-crashed my phone. I'll just pop out the battery to reboot it, and ... oh, crap. That's right, the Apple official way to restart a crashed iDevice is to let the battery drain. I'd link to the article, but their support site is down.

This comment was cute as well:

Thank you for updating your Apple products. Please rate your upgrade experience:
1. Insanely Great!
2. Magical
3. Innovative
4. Religious Ecstasy


On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:31 PM, Pamela McCorduck <pam...@well.com> wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: dfarber <dfar...@me.com>
Date: October 13, 2011 1:18:42 PM MDT
To: "ip" <i...@listbox.com>
Subject: [IP] The email Flu bug
Reply-To: d...@farber.net

Interesting, the past few days Blackberrys have had a bad time with many of their services out. Still after several days they don't have it all working. Today Apple launched its ICloud service ( I say today because it took hours to get the stuff downloaded). It failed in a very nasty way in that mail sometime vanished, sometimes appeared then vanished and often there was a user and/or password incorrect message plus dome rather obcyre additional error messages.

It was frustrating to me in that I kept looking for what I had dome wrong. Finally in confusion I pinged IP and found out I was not alone.

What of the non technical user -- the house=person, the grandmother who believed Apple would get ut right.

Wjem wo;; they learn to stress test their products. Why don't they admit what happened?

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