>>As a student of collaboration, and a long time user of revision control in 
>>code and in documents, I am a big fan, but also share the author's curiosity 
>>as to "what is next?".

I know git has a model for cloning, pushing and pulling from other
clones, but does it have a feature for aggregating sub-components from
many foreign repositories into a single code base? (I've only used git
lightly, so if I'm repeating features let me know.)

It would be neat to just pull the quarter of a library you need, and
have it linked to the main source with change notification. It'd also
be a neat feature to have auto compare tools so you can see how anyone
replicating your repository is using/changing your code without
manually comparing or waiting for a pull request.

I would suggesting creating a Version System/Social Coding wishlist to
determine what might be next. It seems most of the other advances
stemmed one of those.

Greg Sonnenfeld

On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:
> Quite a walk down memory lane.  Thanks Tom.
> My own memory involves paper tape and card decks as the persistent source
> with text files being ephemeral in the early days.  It was much harder to
> keep variants in this form, but much easier to remember which version was
> the correct one.   I'm sure others kept their main deck of a program with
> small batches of variations carefully managed with notes and rubber bands.
> It was excruciatingly challenging in some ways to collaborate with others in
> this mode...  though it was higher fidelity to sit down with a printout of a
> program and go through the logic line by line with a colleague than to wait
> for them to try to merge their code with yours from a revision control
> system and for them then to ask you oblique questions via e-mail about their
> (nearly) orthogonal changes relative to yours.  The former was less
> "efficient" but required more reflection on the motivation of specific
> changes and/or choices in coding style and algorithmic design.
> As a student of collaboration, and a long time user of revision control in
> code and in documents, I am a big fan, but also share the author's curiosity
> as to "what is next?".  I've used visual programming languages and even
> dabbled with evolutionary programming, but don't see a clear next step.  It
> feels as if we might be on the blind side of a phase transition, not so much
> in version control as in collaborative or collective problem solving,
> facilitated by algorithmic languages and version control systems.
> A biological (genetic, regulatory network) metaphor seems apt for this next
> phase?
> - Steve
>> I suspect some of us will be interested in this brief history of version
>> control.
>> http://www.flourish.org/blog/?p=397
>> --tj
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