I don't think it would help me.  An e-mail directly to me might make me
feel like one of the cool kids.  But my main concern is the sense that
Americans Elect is a corporation, not a democratic process.  Don't get
me wrong, I'm all for corporations to the right purpose and context.
But AECorp seems a bit shadowy to me.  If I were pressed to be concrete
about my feelings, I'd have to say that it's just too difficult to
investigate the clique members involved.  And when I do find some new
piece of data about them, it's nefarious ... like the identities of the
largest funders and the evolution from Unity08.

I just don't get the feeling AECorp has my best interests in mind.

Not that that's a big deal.  The Demopublicans don't have my best
interests in mind, either.  But at least they admit that they're
political parties, whose sole purpose is to help politicians get (and
stay) elected as long as they tow the party line.  That seems more
authentic than a shadowy corporation that claims it's not a party,
funded mostly in secret by long-term behind-the-scenes political players.

These data should be prominent on their website, not hidden in PDFs I
have to hunt for.  And even if they privately sent _me_ all that data
and it was all above board, I would still wonder why it wasn't on the
website so anyone could see it immediately.

Gillian Densmore wrote at 03/15/2012 06:42 PM:
> That might help. I know I used to get emails from them mostly about what
> to make there logo to look like. Part of the problem at least on my end
> is lac of transperency and comunication. Maybe I needed to somehow know
> I needed to watch the forums or something. Even then discus ala FRIAM
> would(V) helped at least in my case.
> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 7:02 PM, Greg Sonnenfeld <gsonn...@gmail.com
> <mailto:gsonn...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     If you want I could ask the regional coordinator to give you guys an
>     e-mail so you could discuss your concerns.


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