We have a patient/physician co-op, here.  It was apparently modeled off
the one in Houston, TX.


The general site is here: http://www.patientphysiciancoop.com/

My worry is that we have so few MDs on the list here in PDX.  There seem
to be a lot more in Houston.  I am extremely skeptical of alternative
medicines.  But if enough people use them _and_ we collect enough data,
it should provide higher quality than allopathic clinical trials.  So, I
encourage all of _you_ to use alternative medicine.  I'll wait for the
data. ;-)

Parks, Raymond wrote at 04/23/2012 02:15 PM:
> There was a doctor in NYC who tried to set up a business model where
> his patients paid him $70 per month (he calculated that amount based
> on office overhead and his income) and they had the right to visit
> him X number of times per month.  The various one-payer systems
> (Medicare, insurance) called in the insurance regulators, claiming
> that he was operating as an insurance company.
> I have friend who recently retired from being an Ob/Gyn.  He worked
> in ABQ but  followed his wife to Winslow.  There he worked for what
> his patients could give him - many times including livestock (mostly
> chickens).  He told me that he made more money through that informal
> system than he made here through the whole office/insurance/hospital
> privileges/etc. system.
> [...]
> On Apr 23, 2012, at 2:53 PM, Nicholas Thompson wrote:
>> My fantasy is that we all get together to form a Dr/patients
>> association and conspire against the insurance companies.


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