OK, just lost another local external drive.  Got a RAID box finally on
order, BUT

.. I'd like to also use "the cloud".

So I'm thinking: any of us using Dropbox "big time" .. i.e. backing up a
large part of their digital ecosystem .. w/ the for-pay subscriptions?  If
so, how's it working out?

My backup world is pretty solid, I only lost my torrent library so .. whew!
 Current config:
- Time Machine for all machines.  (BUT the disk that died was, you guessed
it, the TM disk!)
- Dropbox: "Working files" .. all the files I edit often .. workflow.
- Github: now my code backup
- iTunes Match & Google Disk: all my music. (Complete move to bits last
- EMail: IMAP on Gmail.  Pretty solid with local cache
- Browser: bookmarks, extensions via Chrome sync
- SuperDuper: periodic bootable backups of each computer (3)

Photos appear to be my weak spot .. but covered pretty well by SuperDuper.

So, the question is your experiences with Dropbox or other cloud storage
for backup?

   -- Owen
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