*Hi, Google Device Support Team.*
*It's  been a while since we spoke, but I recently discovered that someone
in your organization has been (I hope inadvertently) disseminating
inaccurate information about this Nexus
and I thought you'd want to know about it right away.  *
*Here's the deal: you see, we all know that the Nexus 4 was not designed on
purpose to prevent wifi and bluetooth from being used at the same time.  We
all know that it is a bug.  Well, all of us except for Steve, apparently.
Here, read for yourselves:  *
*Now, we all have the utmost confidence that someone in your organization
will immediately take Steve aside for a private little counselling session
about the inappropriateness of, shall we say, *bending the truth* regarding
this particular flaw in the Nexus 4 product.*
*Thanks for your prompt attention to this matter.*

*Doug Roberts
* <http://parrot-farm.net/Second-Cousins>
505-455-7333 - Office
505-672-8213 - Mobile*
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