needs to be a bit thicker and a bit larger screen with a reel keyboard.
Otherwise could be interesting....
One important question: Does it blend?

On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 10:00 PM, Owen Densmore <> wrote:

> Ha! I told you so!
> This just makes sense.  Although we currently see the phone world as iOS
> vs Android, it just isn't the case.
> BlackBerry (Z10) is making a come back, keeping its position as a
> communications giant .. business folks who don't need the frills but are
> delighted to pay for great email and messaging.  Apps?  They've a
> translator from Android, so no worries.
> Moz phone.  OK, sure it could fail but there's a lot of energy behind it.
> So now, Amazon.  Well, they have a lot of experience with Android, and
> have modded it to work fine for their Tablet while keeping their brand of
> books and media.  So like RIM, they likely can have their own place in the
> cell phone sun.
> Now anyone wanna bet about Twitter & Facebook?  I bet the odds just got a
> lot better!
>    -- Owen
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