I'll see you one Moz and rais it a Motiff running a on sparkstation over a
ISDN line at I think 12-14 and listening by way of real audio (or some
other format) a McNealy Report in which he proclaimed  that the Web is the

A few weeks later being awed by a "port" of netscape on a FreeBSD system on
a laptop- and reading *rumours *of a development branch going opensource
for nightly builds- no idea what license they were considering. This was
before opensource was cool

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 5:08 PM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:

>  Mozilla the .ORG might be 15 but the Mozilla the Killer App is more like
> 20!
> I remember at the 2nd international WWW conference in Chicago, Netscape
> announcing themselves and using "Mozilla, the Killer App" as their
> non-sequitorial mascot.   Since when is a dinosaur an ape?  They jumbled
> King Kong and Godzilla and the idea of a Killer App and got Mozilla!
> For your anecdotal interest, I saw my first off-broadway show during that
> conference... the Rock Opera Tommy.  It *really* stood out in high contrast
> after spending our days huddled around 1k resolution screens ooing and
> aahhhing over postage-stamp sized pixelated videos streaming on a web
> page.  We were *so* impressed with ourselves... but Tommy! blew me away!
>  Moz is 15!  Just contributed:
> Hi! I just donated to Mozilla and got a limited-edition, 15th
> Anniversary plush red dino -- available only to supporters. Join me in
> wishing Mozilla a happy birthday and get yours before they’re gone at
> http://bit.ly/ZoNIjM
>   A snuggly dino!
>     -- Owen
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