I tried to install an older Windows program on a new Windows 8 system today, but got a lot of errors and problems. Actually I tried to install CorelDraw9, which I have used for drawings in the past, on my new Samsung Series 7 "Chronos" laptop, which uses Windows 8 and Ubuntu 13.04 in a dual boot installation. The hassle during installation inspired me to write this blog post about the rise and fall of the Microsoft empire.

Somehow I have a feeling that the time of total market dominance for Microsoft is probably be over. What do you think? Apparently Microsoft has stumbled with Windows 8, and I wonder if they will be able to get up again. I can not get used to the changes of Windows 8, and I am sure a lot of people experience a similar frustration. People learned how to use a desktop with a mouse for about 20 years, and now they are expected to forget all they have learned.


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