Owen -

Good to hear...

I *almost* gave over to putting an SSD into the (used) 15" MacBook Pro I just bought to replace my (worn to a frazzle) 13" MPB. I talked myself out of it because I *also* wanted to increase the amount of onboard HDD space from my exisTing ~350GB and the priciness of a ~512G SSD was too shocking.

I have 2TB in my NAS and don't use *any* cloud (except Flickr and Blog and conventional Website), but I depend too much on having *everything* at my fingertips whether in the office or in the field and the field is often literally "in the field" despite now having iPhone/Cell tethering.

I don't fully understand the OSX (previously 10.6, now 10.8) memory and I/O management strategies as I would expect generous memory to go a long way and for hybrid HD/SSD technology to give 90% of the results at a fraction of the cost.

Do you, or others here have any experience with the Hybrid HD/SSD technology, in particular in the context of Mountain Lion?

- Steve

My 2010 Mini was getting pretty slow, and the problem was clearly the hard drive and swapping. I also have an Air with SSD which is really, really snappy .. especially for being the first generation.

So SSD it was.  The video I followed was OWC (Other World Computing):
I also followed the advice to pre-install a bootable copy of my existing disk onto the SSD via SuperDuper.

One additional upgrade: because there are multiple screw head types in this exercise, I bought the OWC screwdriver kit so I'd have the Torx 6 & 8 as well as a really odd Hex driver from the current iFixIt kit floating around.

The SSD is a Samsung from Amazon .. 256 GB. That seem small by today's standard, but with the "cloud" and a local NAS (Network Attached Storage) with RAID (redundant storage), I felt I could manage the somewhat reduced size (the hard drive being replaced wast 500GB).

No major problems other than finding the Mini had an unconnected heat sensor (decided it was for the disk so just taped it on), and the video having a few errors in terms of size screws.

Man has it been worth it! The old Mini has a new life .. and I can wait on a replacement for another couple of years. Seriously, SSD replacement is a great way to improve your computer. And with the good video and the toolset we've got, I'd say most of us could perform the procedure. No where near is difficult as changing an iPhone cracked screen.

   -- Owen

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