[Cleaning up the very last of the old email]

Arlo?  Are you back from summer camp on the ISS or somewhere equally
> amazing?

Oh man, I wish!I was somewhere only marginally less awesome, a Santa Fe
Institute summer camp...in Groton, Massachusetts. Some more details

I missed his "voice" especially from the perspective of a "Millennial" in
> this NSA falderal.

I think pretty much everyone's reaction would be / has been the same: "Of
course they have been illegally spying on us, that is not news. Still
outrageous, though."
For a commentary on the modern American surveillance society with a link to
teenagerhood, read Cory Doctorow's books *Little
* and *Homeland <http://craphound.com/homeland/download>* (can be freely
downloaded). I just finished them, and felt they were good reading but not
particularly good fiction.

Doug does or finds an `outsider' (e.g. a clever high school student) to do
>> it.    It's all open source and hackable.
> Sounds like a job for Arlo!

I think you would probably want an outsider who is more of an insider
(knowledge-wise) to cell and wireless systems than I am. I could tinker,
but you would probably not get a working phone back. :P

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