Okay, the test worked!  So:

Carl Tollander writes:

> This may throw something (light?) on the issue.
> http://cheng.staff.shef.ac.uk/morality/morality.pdf
> The reason I'm tossing this in may not become apparent until a ways into 
> it, when mathematical "morality" notions are used to address abstraction.

Apparently I seem not to have received every message in this thread (and some 
of the ones I 
have gotten suggest that there are others in the same boat).  That may be why, 
even after 
reading all the way through, I'm still not sure how/why light (or cold water, 
or whatever) is 
thrown on "the issue" by this paper (because I'm not sure what "the issue" is).

That said, I think the paper's very interesting.  It's been decades since I've 
moved in 
mathematical circles where "morally" was used, but it comes back to me very 
distinctly, and I 
agree with much of what the author says.  Where I think she goes wrong is just 
at the point 
where, having described "mathematical activity" as "moving around belief, 
understanding and 
knowledge", and even having illustrated this with a circle of two-headed arrows 
joining each 
pair of those three, she states "It's widely believed that the big aim of doing 
maths is to 
prove theorems ie move things into the `proved' area. But I think the aim is to 
get things 
into the `believed' area--believed by as many mathematicians as possible."  NO! 
 The aim is to 
get things UNDERSTOOD (by as many mathematicians as possible)!!!  [Well, all 
three are aims, 
but understanding is primus inter pares.]  And she never comes back to 
mathematical) understanding again.

Typical category-theorist (grumble, grumble).

And as long as we're passing around PDFs, I attach a chapter on (among other 
things) the 
*in*formal logic of mathematics.  Only the last three pages of the text (pp. 
63-65) address 
(one) metaphor directly.  Like Cheng (and like Jody Azzouni, whose work I quote 
and possibly 
misuse liberally in the chapter--work I would never have read if it hadn't been 
for the 
semester FRIAM spent with Ruben Hersh) I'm trying to get at some aspects of the 
behavior of mathematicians.


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