Hi Owen, et al.,

You might also try this nearly-free ($17)
well-supported <http://getkirby.com/support>, database-free CMS
called Kirby <http://getkirby.com/>.  It is file-based and very easy to
implement just about anything you want to do on an individual personal
website. You can also experiment locally with Kirby (without a host) on
MAMP, XAMPP and PHP's built-in server for local installations.


Robert Wall

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:57 PM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net> wrote:

> Are any of us using a static site generator? Here's a list:
>     https://www.staticgen.com/
> ​Basically it gets rid of the need for a Content Management System,
> compiling the site from Markdown and html templates.
> I'm thinking of doing this, my old ISP died and it would be a good time
> for a change.
>    -- Owen​
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