Sorry, Nick, I can't remember. Reminds me of a joke I just saw: "Well, if
smoking weed destroys your short-term memory, then what does smoking weed

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 11:59 PM, Nick Thompson <>

> Dear FF’s (Fellow Friammers)
> Since the election, I have bothered you all, individually and
> collectively, to consider, given the web’s role in the balkanization of our
> political discourse, what the web’s role might be in knitting us back
> together again.
> At some point in the last ten days, one of you sent me a link to a website
> that was doing something like that.  I opened it, was amazed, intrigued,
> but could not explore it at the time.  AND NOW I CAN NOT FIND IT.
> Does any of you remember what I am talking about?  Ah to have a pink brain
> again.
> Nick
> Nicholas S. Thompson
> Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
> Clark University
> ============================================================
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