Hi Nick

Your old Earthlink site seems to comprise just about ten 'pages' of content, with many of those pages (Published Works) listing many bibliographic citations, each with a link to an image and further link to a pdf document. Grabbing all the content manually is perhaps tedious but doable. Saving all the pages as HTML is also doable but don't see a lot of point in that. Populating your Research Gate website should be possible too with in browser Copy and Paste - but I'm not familiar with RG - as should any other website builder, Wix, Squarespace, WordPress as well as hosting company website builders. I don't know of an automated system but the Internet Archive must have something and already has multiple captures of past versions of your site - see https://web.archive.org/web/20151206005021/http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/.

I think what you're really looking for is a web/content migration tool more so than web scraping tools which tend to be focused on capturing specific data, say contact information. Vamosa seems to offer a service that should do exactly what you want, see http://www.vamosa.com/vamosa-content-migrator-c124 but suspect that's aimed at large corporate clients. I have no experience with them. Googling 'website migration tools' produces lots of results - some questionable.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, Robert

On 1/3/17 9:49 PM, Nick Thompson wrote:

Dear Phellow Phriammers,

I am in the uncomfortable position of being bound by threads of steel to Earthlink. Many, MANY, years I go I started a website on Earthlink, {http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/ <http://home.earthlink.net/%7Enickthompson/naturaldesigns/>

}, and put a lot of my writing, and some commentary up on it. The website creation and editing medium (trellix) was pretty good for its time, and there are many ways that I find the site quite satisfying. But gradually Earthlink has withdrawn its support, and now I am not sure I could get in to edit or change it. Meantime, Research Gate has gotten started, and provides a somewhat better place to meet the world and archive my stuff. And also, having the site on earthlink binds me to them and their 22 dollar a month fee. So. …

I am wondering if there is a way (or a service that would) scrape the website and, possibly, dump it into a new and more reliable, more website creation medium? Please, ambulatory knowledge only. I don’t want a people doing deep searches to answer this question .

Thanks, as always .


Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University

http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/ <http://home.earthlink.net/%7Enickthompson/naturaldesigns/>

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