On 1/19/17 10:47 AM, glen ☣ wrote:
I know it's offensive and disrespectful of me to feel this way, and especially 
to express it publicly.  But part of me is excited about the possibility of 
this happening ... not necessarily excited in a good way... more like an 
adrenaline+cortisol sort of way.  On the plus side, those who voted for him as 
an expression of frustration would definitely see the results of their actions. 
 Yes, it's too bad stupidity isn't painful.  But in this case, the stupidity of 
voting for Trump will be painful (and deadly).
Glen ☣ -

I'm with you on this... in the sense that my own "mood swings" have a sort of rectifying circuit that makes times like this be the "bounce" in a rectified AC wave... I get juiced up on the "worst of times" in a way that is similar but different to the "best of times"... Even if I don't have a specific, obvious "call to action" to respond to it, the heightened sense that I need to be ready to take a problem head-on if it arises. Probably an entirely male thing, and maybe reflects my Viking ancestry and Rural roots which I'm not always proud of (each of the three). I sometimes just call this my "morbid fascination", but that is a more passive version than what I feel in "times like this".
Those of us who kindasorta get off on pain won't suffer as much as those who 
really dislike it.  Let's just hope (probably in vain) that those who voted for 
him recognize that they caused the pain and death.
Sadly, that is rare... I had a very hard time accepting the pain and suffering I caused (to others even more than to myself) by voting Reagan in (the first time)... so I'm not holding my breath with the Trumpians in my life to realize what self-destructive mayhem they are raining down on *themselves*!

There is nothing in Trump's personality nor in his actions as a business "mogul" or recent actions as a candidate nor PrezElect (PEOTUS?) lead me to believe he won't bite every hand that fed him... his apparent loyalty to his children is the only place I see him present any loyalty. I'm thinking Ivana and Marla both have plenty of undersanding of how unfaithful and fickle he can be. I'm sure there is one hell of a post-nuptial contract with both big sticks and carrots attached to keep THEM quiet!

Funny how 8 years ago, the right wing-gun-nuts went out and bought ammunition like it was going out of style and the only "shortage" that came was from their paranoid hoarding. There are plenty who still seem to believe that *their gluttony* was not to blame for the shortages but a conspiracy by a secret muslim-non-american president to keep them from stocking up on their fetishes of freedom!

There may be a similar (over)reaction of yet another kind this round, but I am not seeing it yet? I don't think the MegaWoman March is an example of that, but the Trumpians seem to think it is an offense... as if they are coming to dc to tear Trump off his podium and shred him with their bare teeth. Now wouldn't that be something?

I'm trying to shift the focus of my cosmic angst toward supporting these women and the spirit of their mission rather than feeding the energies of the Wanker in Chief (to be) by stressing on he negative aspecst of what seems to be inevitable from his nature and actions.

- Steve

On 01/19/2017 08:31 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:

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