Just a thought: Don't emergency rooms have to treat anyone who walks
through the door?

I recall seeing a *lot* of that when my mom-in-law was in the hospital.
These were folks with fairly minor problems like a rash or the flu. And I'm
delighted they got care.

So all minimizing ACA will do is up the federal dollars going to hospitals,

   -- Owen

On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 6:41 PM, Marcus Daniels <mar...@snoutfarm.com>

> Nick writes:
> “*There is no truth of the matter; there is only the exercise of power. “*
> [..]
> “So, if we are going to counter Trump, it cannot be by demonstrating that
> he lies.  It has to be by demonstrating that liars don’t win.”
> He’s old and nearing the last round of his iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma
> game.  He wants everyone to know about his power and -- this is perhaps
> giving him too much credit -- his defection.   As far as objective
> consequences to denying the truth, what are possible ways he could go down?
> 1)      He fails to make policies that are consistent with economic
> possibility and creates a serious global recession.
> 2)      He insults the GOP leadership and bullies them when they are not
> going to move.
> 3)      He does more illegal things thinking no one will notice, and is
> forced out in disgrace like Nixon.
> 4)      He deregulates to the point that there is a conspicuous health or
> safety crisis that impacts millions.
> Climate change probably won’t get him in the next four years unless there
> is some big tipping point.
> If any of these things happen, it would probably unspool the whole
> administration, but not necessarily.
> Marcus
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