Along those lines but sticking with the fractals, it would be important to 
distinguish the reconstruction of the instrument from that of the melody. I 
assume the self similarity Nick is talking about would still be present even if 
we render the melody in MIDI. It's not clear to me, are the requirements of 
Takens' method met by a discrete time series?

On February 28, 2017 5:45:00 PM PST, Vladimyr Burachynsky <> 
>Any bird has only so much lung capacity
>so every utterance is limited to that volume and it must be forcibly
>discharged to create an audible  wave.  To be detectable by the
>intended target that sound must fall into a range of frequency and
>volume within the recipient’s capabilities. If the bird is unable to
>produce syrinx based sounds then it must devise an alternative like
>ruffed grouse or prairie chickens. They basically seem to
>beat the crap out of their chests and can sound like English
>motorcycles for brief moments.
>So let’s break away from some rather extreme avians from the Melodic
>Songsters of Poetry.
> [...]
>By the way Frisch did this sort of thinking with Honey Bee Waggle
>Dances and paper and pencil.
>As a student I had to read his work and found that the bees could sense
>extra dimensions which could include even more information, vibration
>and scent.


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