By Odins Mead! Dalight Savings stuff! ARG!!
I PERSONALLY like having the clock set suck that it's  a bit  more suny out
can we not agree to regularly tweak clocks a little through out the year to
Maximize Sun?

While brushing up on some tech skills as...why not?  Mostly do it as a
hobby for my hobbya  just for fun blog I have set up.

I found the set up on Code Academy nice to use. leading to a question:

I have Windows10 (Came with the computer).
-Any sage opinions on Processing for JavaScript?
The metod to my madness is looking for a small (FUN?) animations(?) to have
a fun way to keep my tech skills upto date.

By all meens feel free to sugest other tools.

The reason I started looking is I keep finding myself geeking out and then
being frustrated with not be able to do X with my blog, and generally just
wanting to be have a fun simple way to do things It's just a hobby for now,
but more knowledge and able to use tools can never hurt.

Basically many novice guides sugest using ProcessingJS and I seem to rember
many MANY rants and raves about that on this and the WedTech list, and are
skeptical it's gotten better.

My real goals are:
-Have FUN  first.
-Keep having fun keeping up tech skills on playground. Doing goofy FUN

-iIf possible set up two playgrounds on my Sandbox10, my new blog  such
that I can have fun building things or tinkering.
Any opinions for what languages and tools would be fun to do that with?
I've had an enormous amount of fun with python through CodeCombat. But as
far as I know their's not a python for the Web, unless either Bruce or Ruth
know better?

I some how picturing in my head a set up like this for example
Two sandbox or playround type places on the site so that when/if things go
screw no big deal.
One might be for Text stuff starting the classic Greeting, and see if the
doodads work.

The other for projects starting simple (and again FUN) working my way up.
For example one page:Can I get a picture of a cat and a beer mug to show up?
And work my up to more fancy complicated things.

 I'd really like to try making a relatively simple game eventually. Like a
StarShip shooting invaders or blocks kind of thing but first steps first!

I will not be offended if:
-Wrong list dude! Try WedTech!
-What..I'm confused? what do want to do?

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