To the only other self admitted Skunk Shooter,


I was much closer, the gun , a .22 cal , the muzzle was inside a wire cage, my 
guess I was less than a barrel length away. The shot completely severed the 
spinal cord at the base of the skull.

Skunks do not require a brain to complete this instinctive discharge. Or 
perhaps the brain while intact serves as a restraint.


So sudden decapitation will not work as I once thought.

Maybe skunk guns should have very long barrels… Just a thought.


I was also a graduate biology student collecting blood samples to test for 
Virus antibodies. 

We need a Tee Shirt when we go carousing. First chapter of Skunk Shooters 



From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Frank Wimberly
Sent: March-21-17 10:24 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] organizations


Speaking of shooting skunks: in the summer of 1962 I worked on a ranch about 20 
miles south of Santa Fe.  There was a young divorcee who lived nearby who 
freaked out when she saw strangers and she left a note on our truck threatening 
to shoot us.  I consulted her neighbor, who was a professor of English 
Literature at UNM.  He said that if she knew who we were she would welcome 
having us around (two college students on summer break).  He suggested that I 
stop by and introduce myself.  I did so late that afternoon and I took along a 
12 gauge shotgun which I discretely left outside​.  After a pleasant 
conversation I walked back to our place by taking a shortcut over a mesa.  At 
some point I saw a skunk about 50 feet in front of me.  If I had had a rifle 
I'd have made a hasty retreat.  But instead I aimed carefully and dispatched 
the skunk.  The last days of the wild west. Today I'd probably be arrested for 
felony abuse of an animal, perhaps with justification.


Thank you for your indulgence.



Frank Wimberly
Phone (505) 670-9918


On Mar 21, 2017 8:47 PM, "Vladimyr" <> wrote:

Marcus hit it on the head but the only detectable  difference is that one 
structure is deluded by hypocrisy and the other is stripped down naked.

Both stink up the air. But the gullible facilitate our problem on both sides of 
the northern border. If anyone even suggests a northern wall send them to the 

asylum as soon as possible. Trump is frightening the chickens in the coop like 
a skunk wandering through the night.


I once shot a skunk and will never forget the stench… Never again, even the 
rifle had to be disposed .

That stench is like a chemical burn and hurts like an  Alkaline burn. You 
southerners are welcome to all the skunks that you want.


Don’t  abuse the lemmings because of Walt Disney’s hoax and film  trickery. 
They are actually quite sensible.


Why do organizations protect skunks…



From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Roger Critchlow
Sent: March-20-17 1:26 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] organizations




On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 11:51 AM, Marcus Daniels <> wrote:


Someone like that can be taken down by a faster or stronger dog.  The problem 
is that he has the lemmings..   Lemmings are the problem.


I don't get it, is it detailed technical planning or dog fighting?  Or some 
kind of mixed martial art?


-- rec --


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