e.g. R. Daneel Olivaw, possessor of the finest Positronic Brain,
inventor of the Zeroth Law of Robotics, and Protector of Humanity until
he resigned his post as advisor to Cleon I, Galactic Emperor?


On Wed, Oct 4, 2017, at 08:54 AM, ┣glen┫ wrote:
> It depends on how you define "computer".  If it's a CPU-in-a-vat, like a
> brain in a vat, then I disagree.  That kind of computer is impoverished
> compared to a human.  But if it's an android or somesuch, then I agree.
> On 10/04/2017 07:47 AM, Prof David West wrote:
> > A necessary presupposition — if any of these program are to come to 
> > fruition — is: what a human exhibits is nothing more than what a computer 
> > CAN exhibit; i.e., that a human can be nothing more than a machine.
> > 
> > I am curious if any of the participants in this discussion are willing to 
> > accept the presupposition? Especially if Nick, whose monist "behavior," 
> > strong agreement with Pierce's three forms of logic. and equally strong 
> > denial of "mind" might be so inclined?
> -- 
> ␦glen?
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