Yep.  One of my homunculi does that to his brethren.  This came out today:

  The Grandfather Of Alt-Science

Anyone whose spent any time in Oregon knows this whack job.  And my apex 
predator of the signaling world homunculus yells at me to hate him as the 
crackpot he clearly is, as well as his neolithic social postions.  But *most* 
of my other homunculi have immense respect for someone who hacks their own path 
through the thicket, going to bat for every wannabe crackpot or inventor who 
spends their spare time breathing solder smoke in the basement or suffers 
regular chemical burns because they care more about their objective than 
safety.  Yes, DIY biology is dangerous.  But hey, we can't all work in the 
belly of some bureaucratic leviathan.

On 10/12/2017 02:44 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> "Apex predator of the signaling world."  
> Cute, know it well.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Friam [] On Behalf Of g??? ?
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 3:37 PM
> To: FriAM <>
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] on Feynman, again
> I know.  I just thought it was an interesting post.  That we'd recently 
> discussed Feynman was only a segue. I could also have used Russell as the 
> segue, since Marcus quoted him in our thread.
> The 1st part of Aaronson's post re: Gowers is more interesting than the later 
> stuff.
> On 10/12/2017 02:26 PM, Nick Thompson wrote:
>> I took issue not with Feynman as a person ...
>>> if you write, for example, that Richard Feynman was a self-aggrandizing 
>>> chauvinist showboater, then even if your remarks have a nonzero inner 
>>> product with the truth, you don’t thereby “transcend” Feynman and stand 
>>> above him, in the same way that set theory transcends and stands above 
>>> arithmetic by constructing a model for it.  Feynman’s achievements don’t 
>>> thereby become your achievements.
> --
> ☣ gⅼеɳ
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