Thanks a LOT Gil/Glen, NOW I'm thirsty for beer, and have been since I read it soon after you posted.

Good writing & delivery as you noted, would we call this some kind of Beer Rebus?

I do love the craft brew movement, but have to admit that my fridge has the remnants of a Shiner variety pack in it.  I do love me the Alien Amber, but only on tap... with Shiner Bock being my best substitute in a bottle.  I feel a tad guilty every time I buy a 12 of Shiner, what being it a product of the nominally uber-conservative state of Texas.  Of course, I have not a clue of the politics of the people making money from it's sale.  I do try to align my purchases (especially luxury goods) with my belief systems (if not outright politics) but it is surprising how often I realize I've lapsed in that awareness.

On 1/9/19 8:11 AM, ∄ uǝʃƃ wrote:
The unfortunate part of this story is the apparent coincidence of right wingers 
and those who always drink the same beer, with the same label, that doesn't 
need new label approval from the government because the government approved of 
that label a million years ago.  It's only us hipster liberals that want to 
drink NEW beer that might require a new label.

But, as usual, the writers and Colbert's delivery are fantastic.

On 1/9/19 6:43 AM, Gillian Densmore wrote:
Thanks Colbert

Worth a i'll have to try to breath again from laughing at a
great anology that's disturbingly acurate and maybe find the Alian Amber
from wence  all this came clearly has a Fat Tire.

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