This, re bats...
TL;DR: 2107
More: 2015


On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 6:23 PM Gillian Densmore <>

> Why is it the last several pandemics have come from bats?  and what's with
> the unusual panic about this one?  We had bird flue, sars, zeeka, Ebola
> (several times), polio...but then one asshole of a cold from bats (they
> think). And it's as if they didn't know what to do. China didn't instigate
> a quarintine quickly and was and remains in, denaial. Itally I gather said:
> ah fuck it's coming for us? and the US is basically doing the same.
> And what's with a lot coming from fucking Bats? Is it that they're
> unusual for being a bit like lizzards, and rats? and can travel far? or
> just coincidence?  They're amazing to learn about. And I love it when
> they're arround because they tend to eat bugs. two I hoped would stick
> arround a few years ago. They sure liked what ever they found to hunt here!
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