
*"A thing without oppositions ipso facto does not exist ... existence lies in 
opposition."* C.S. Peirce.

*"It is the hallmark of any deep truth that its negation is also a deep truth." 
*Neils Bohr.

What is the negation of evolution? Natural Selection? Survival of the 'Fittest'?

What is the negation of 'bleeding heart liberalism'? Of Trumpism? Of "wokeness?"


*"Examine the lives of the best and most fruitful people and peoples and ask 
yourselves whether a tree which is supposed to grow to a proud height could do 
so without bad weather and storms; **[1]* *whether misfortune and external 
resistance, whether any kinds of hatred, jealousy, stubbornness, mistrust, 
hardness, greed, and violence to not belong to the *_favorable_* conditions 
without which any great grown even of virtue is scarecely possible." F. 
Nietzsche (emphasis his)*

*[1] *The Biosphere 2 project encountered a problem with trees falling over far 
before they reached their maturity. It was from lack of wind. Wind and 
mechanical stress was required to grow the hard tissues that allowed the tree 
to stand.


To what extent do we (denizens of FRIAM and their local cultures) require the 
kinds of stress being encountered in the world?

I suspect that there needs to be a balance between realizable civilization and 
stresses, but how is that balance defoined and, more importantly, found and 

Concrete example of last question: Will the Twitterites end up being a better 
or worse 'culture' post-Musk?

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