The single most used social media by teens/early adults is 95%. 
Facebook, in that demographic, is but 32%.


On Mon, Aug 15, 2022, at 9:14 AM, Gary Schiltz wrote:
> Here in Ecuador, group chat is very widespread. Unfortunately (?) it is 
> mostly through informal WhatsApp groups. Email is *so* last millenia, and 
> even FaceBook has mostly given way to Instagram, TikTok, whatever. Yuck. I 
> especially dislike WhatsApp groups because it has even taken over some 
> institutions, such as the foundation that I'm working with. The biggest 
> problems are that the identity of each person is tied to their phone number, 
> and there is no central archive of its content. For the former, if a person 
> loses their phone, they have no way to recover their chat history, and unless 
> person B has person A's information (name, etc.), person B only sees the 
> phone number of person A, hence having no idea who is who until they add all 
> these people to their phone's contact list. For the second, institutions tend 
> to lose their collective memory, unless someone is in the group from start to 
> finish, and somehow maintains an archive of past conversations.
> On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 10:32 AM Roger Critchlow <> wrote:
>> I've lately run into two mentions of "group chat" as the organizing 
>> principle of social media for the day.  You keep different groups for 
>> different purposes, and you don't let social media into the chat.  I think 
>> Friam actually functions as a group chat, aside from google scanning 
>> everything.  But technically it's a Gen-Z thing, so we obviously don't know 
>> what we're doing.
>> It was a neighbor group chat that busted the Ted Cruz Cancun getaway plan in 
>> February 2021, while Texans froze to death or were bankrupted by spikes in 
>> electric rates.
>> -- rec --
>> On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 8:53 AM glen <> wrote:
>>> It's an interesting question. Someone posted a poll on a Mastodon server 
>>> recently, something like "What is it you want from all this stuff? (E.g. 
>>> Twitter, Facebook, ...)" The possible answers were things like 
>>> "Friendship", "Connectedness", etc. There was an "Other", which I filled 
>>> in. I wrote something like: "The state of the world. When I was younger, I 
>>> read the newspaper and watched the daily news on one of the big 3 networks. 
>>> Now, it feels like everything's all fractured. TV news is for ancient, out 
>>> of touch people. The newspaper is neither local, nor does it tell 
>>> interesting national or international stories. So, I use these media, like 
>>> 12-20 different outlets just to get some sense of the state of the world."
>>> I wish I had a better answer to "where do you find this stuff". It can be 
>>> exhausting trying to stay informed. Fora like FriAM help a bit.
>>> On 8/13/22 17:57, Gillian Densmore wrote:
>>> > 
>>> > And where do find this stuff glen >_<
>>> > 
>>> > On Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 2:41 PM glen < 
>>> > <>> wrote:
>>> > 
>>> >     __
>>> >     
>>> >
>>> >  
>>> > <>
>>> >     -. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
>>> -- 
>>> ꙮ Mɥǝu ǝlǝdɥɐuʇs ɟᴉƃɥʇ' ʇɥǝ ƃɹɐss snɟɟǝɹs˙ ꙮ
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>>> archives:  5/2017 thru present 
>>>   1/2003 thru 6/2021
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>> Fridays 9a-12p Friday St. Johns Cafe   /   Thursdays 9a-12p Zoom 
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>> archives:  5/2017 thru present 
>>   1/2003 thru 6/2021
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> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Fridays 9a-12p Friday St. Johns Cafe   /   Thursdays 9a-12p Zoom 
> to (un)subscribe
> archives:  5/2017 thru present 
>   1/2003 thru 6/2021
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archives:  5/2017 thru present
  1/2003 thru 6/2021

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