This is an interesting take on AR I hadn't really thought of:

Sanas, the buzzy Bay Area startup that wants to make the world sound whiter

And a voice modifier from a different company here:

This post brings home the implications of such:

Does the rise of the Metaverse mean the decline of cities?

Do we want our "public spaces" (e.g. cities) to be owned by singular corporations? 
Olympia (where I live) is already bad enough, mostly renters, most of the downtown rental 
properties owned by a single family. We're inching ever so slowly to Plato's Philosopher King, 
except any benevolence of the King is a mere (and sporadic) side-effect of the primary motive: 
profit. This seems, to me, strongly analogous to the grifters who call pretending to be "Agent 
Bob Jones" or whatever from the IRS trying to steal money from me in the form of Walmart gift 
cards. I know several of my similarly aged peers who talk loudly and often about their rental 
houses, usually, since I'm surrounded by liberals now, bragging about how they keep the rent low 
and try to provide a good place for the renters to live. This altruism-washing of their 
rent-seeking behavior is way too similar to disguising an East Indian voice to sound more white. Is 
it really any less dystopian if you're the one on top?

It's interesting that I don't mind the loss of possible contact/engagement with some people 
because they rely solely on Facebook (Instagram, Zoom, or whatever) for their networking. Most 
breweries and music venues up here use Instagram as their primary announcement forum. The 
result? I don't know about them. So I'm much less likely to engage. That's fine. More time to 
think <>. I'm "this close" to quitting 
LinkedIn, too:

People Are Flooding LinkedIn With Strange Stories. We’re Calling Them Broetry.

We really do need honest *public* spaces, even if you hate "socialism". The 
internet is a public utility and should be treated that way. And governments should 
devote some of our tax monies to corporation-independent social network platforms. 
Mastodon would be perfect for that.

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