Gil -

I have both e-mails and will ping you next time I expect to come to town and make a plan to drop off then... maybe as early as next Tuesday?

- Steve

On 8/25/22 1:42 PM, Gillian Densmore wrote:
Wowie zowie 😁 thank you so much steve! that would be fantastic!  Ironically CRTs  were kind of a head of their time. LEDs have run into a wall with black colors of all things that the GPU has to work hard to figure out where to place. Tech YouTubers talk about it something to do with color space that you or the other steve probably know a lot more how that works then I do. and yeah I'm also sometimes not as nice to my electronics as I really should be. Do you have either my or Owens email? that way we figure out how make arrangements for pickups or drop offs.

On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 1:28 PM Steve Smith <> wrote:

    Gil -

    I have gone past the use of external computer monitors in my own
    life/work and have a total of 3 re-homeable units I could offer
    you.   I don't have the specs on them in front of me, and I can't
    guarantee their ruggedness, though I am not easy on most of my
    gear and I have not damaged any of these beyond some surface

    I would be happy (ecstatic?) to gift forward one or more of them
    to you, even it you go through them in a year or two's time the
    same way the others gave out, as long as you made some effort to
    push them forward into the appropriate recycling stream (not even
    sure where old LCD monitors go to rot/recycle)?

    A decade or more ago I used to cringe everytime I would see
    another CRT TV or Monitor in an arroyo "shot up" by my
    neighbors.... it has been years since I saw a fresh one...  and to
    think we all used to sit inches (feet) in front of them staring at
    them all day (esp. for those boomers who were babysat as children
    by Captain Kangaroo and his ilk) as a high-energy electron beam
    was directed straight toward their third-eye, depending on the
    layer of phosphors (I don't know how carcinogenic those where when
    released during wild target practice sessions) and *leaded* glass
    to protect our precious little neuronal mass known as our brain.  
    Oh well, most of us are "OK" and of course, it may well be the
    *idea* flux coming out of them that was the most dangerous.

    Lemme know!

     - Steve

    On 8/25/22 12:49 PM, glen wrote:

    On 8/25/22 11:32, Gillian Densmore wrote:
    I have no had 3 hp monitors crack in the same way. Basically
    something about how I get behind it. Usually to reboot my stupid
    cable modem, the the dam things left, or right side cracks.
    I think the problem is between my size and the thin fragility of
    it is the problem. Best hunch I have so far.
    Where do I find the good and propper computer monitors that
    ignore this asinine industry delusion that paper thin=good?
    Do really have to go as far back to CRTs to something that
    doesn't fall over from just a fart? or is their something more
    in at least this decade that's not a thin fragile POS?

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